Today was when work had little extra touch of excess. The floor was decorated with loads of enthusiasm and a certain lack of skill but it all came together quite well.The Town Hall tomorrow should be fun ... at least I hope it is...
In the morning I met 3 very interesting ladies who happened to enlighten me on loads of things , some of which I was blissfully ignorant about or rather at times chose to ignore. Feminist is an interesting category to place them in, it is somewhat difficult to place such people in any category as a category so does not exist. Which I should say is awesomely awesome.
One of them supposedly wrote content for a website and her friend who also happened to be her biggest critic and a self proclaimed "feminist" ; now if all feminists are like her I'd really wouldn't mind their sometimes over the top accusations against mankind. She seemed to have very clear cut view of her beliefs which for a change was nice to see. The third one by far was the most interesting, lost and confused and highly imaginative to an extent where every word you say can lead to an awkward situation. And yes, if you are reading this; ketchup stains ... live with it. Oh, and thanks for the cola, really needed it then.
I also realised that autos are way too bloody expensive and are seriously the fastest way to go broke ... I end up spending more on the fare then on lunch, blasphemous it is. I'm going to start using buses, I'd rather sit with Mr. Coulduseadeo than go home with an empty pocket.
hey the over the top feminist here:) well nice to c im interesting enuf to be written abt:D keep bloggin!
So, me writing about websites is what you could fathom????
Ans agree with Ms. Not so confused, cant believe I am actually being written abt! Sick of writing abt others, A pleasant change:)
@ aksha
Actually yes .. from what i figured you do write content for websites... now do correct me if i am wrong. I do know that you write otherwise too ...
Thats some saucy stuff
(all pun intended ;) ..
couldnt resist peeking in..
keep blogging..
Ms.Wild Imagination
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