The feeling of oneness with certain things and people is unexplainable. The shoes you wear, the girl next door, the bike you ride, the car you drive or even the coffee you drink. Some people call it preference but I prefer to call it a connection.You only begin to like something or someone when you at complete ease and are absolutely comfortable with it's or their presence.
I got on a bike the other day. My first, after the accident, and it was a one of those 4-stroke growlers , a legend in its own right but it has not garnered any of my respect, it was not that it was underpowered, it most probably had the same number of horses as mine but it just didn't feel right. The engine was smooth but the gears were a little too twitchy for my liking, for a better part of the time I was trying to figure out how to click into neutral. I gave it, what most of my friends call the "Rape Routine", which is basically where all gear shifts are made at the red line and really really hard braking is called for. A good spin and I settled down for a hot cup of masala chai at the Chai place. Now here I saw Tan pull up his Yamaha .The RX 135 . The same make and model as mine and the only thing on my mind was to rev my boots off.
The moment I got on the bike, it felt like home, the low seat, the comfy grips, the speedo console with its faded digits and the slim tank. I was back in heaven. I kicked started the little monster and the familiar shiver ran up my spine. I revved once and felt the vibes go up my arm, twisted the throttle wide open and the scream from the engine bought a smile to my face. I slapped the gear lever down a notch and engaged into first, played around with the clutch as I twisted the throttle to and fro, the bike begging to be released so that it could unleash its devilish steeds to run wild on the tarmac. Another flick of the wrist, popped the clutch and I was off. It was almost as if 3 months made no difference at all, the throttle wide open, the engine screaming, the wind whistling through my ears and the first signs of my eyes watering brought back the fiendish grin on my face. I was at peace; peace which I wished to last forever but the time to turn around had come and I decided to make the most of it. As I switched down to second and opened up the throttle wide and had the best ever wheelie. The never ending second is always the best to gear to pop one, as the front slowly touched ground, I clicked into third and then into fourth in quick succession. And as i approached the Chai place I gradually slipped into neutral and then gently tapped on the rear as I grabbed a fistful of the front brake. The bike screeched to a halt.
The guys were giving weird looks when I got off the bike, I think it was mostly because of the lopsided grin that was plastered on my face. "Felt good... didn't it???"; they chorused, the expression still the same on my face, till Tan came up and with a slight frown said, "You'll fucking blow my piston my piston, you fucking bastard" and then with a sly smile continued, " Felt good eh???" ...
1 comment:
May yer Yammy resurrect soon;P
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