About Me

- sofullofcrap
- FREEDOM is ... An open road, My rusty bike roaring to life And a tank full of fuel... Well I am a little confused and no I am not very creative. Many of the pictures you see up on the blog are mistakes.And a sincere request PLEASE DO NOT STEAL THE PHOTOGRAPHS FROM MY BLOG.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
It works!!!
The bloody thing actually works... when I was just about to give up and throw the damn thing away. Afters days of contemplating how to dispose of the wretched, one of which was to bury it under the newly laid pavement, I decided to have one last try at the freaking iTunes software. Spent the first hour doing the same old things, deleting files, puring the registry and almost nearly crashing my computer, I came up with this nitwit plan of mine to rename the damned file, and wonders of wonders, it fucking worked. Can't really comprehend how that possibly happened but I'm glad that it did, at least now I can do away with the weird set up that I had.
Oh and Vin dude looks like you wont be seeing my sorry face for awhile, it works!!! Hee hee but I will be looking forward to Wednesday, hope you'll have your wallet loaded with Daddy's moolah. We need to parttteyyyhhhh!!!
The bloody thing actually works... when I was just about to give up and throw the damn thing away. Afters days of contemplating how to dispose of the wretched, one of which was to bury it under the newly laid pavement, I decided to have one last try at the freaking iTunes software. Spent the first hour doing the same old things, deleting files, puring the registry and almost nearly crashing my computer, I came up with this nitwit plan of mine to rename the damned file, and wonders of wonders, it fucking worked. Can't really comprehend how that possibly happened but I'm glad that it did, at least now I can do away with the weird set up that I had.
Oh and Vin dude looks like you wont be seeing my sorry face for awhile, it works!!! Hee hee but I will be looking forward to Wednesday, hope you'll have your wallet loaded with Daddy's moolah. We need to parttteyyyhhhh!!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
And then there was One ... The DUMB ONE!!!
Its always weird when you are the last one left standing and its really not that great of a feeling when you know that you are going to be eventually knocked off.
Talking about lost causes, I always happen to be running to the rescue to one of those which contrary to what one may think is not the best habit one should pick up. I live in India, home of the proud, the pious, the unbelievably patriotic, the outrageously dumb and my favorite the spineless rat. In a country like ours "India", just saying again to let it sink in, we are taught not to question authority even when we know that they are rambling their way off a cliff.
The insatiable need to be satisfied with the cards we are dealt is taken to the next level, where being passive is considered good. When the great Mahatma called for Passive Resistance and Hijrat in his teachings of Satyagraha- The Way of Truth, he in no way intended for us to be passive and flee at the first sight of oppression. He never said that one should not question. In fact it is questioning that enlightens. But we have forgotten what it is to be free.
Instead when one questions they are looked upon as rebels, as outcasts and are taken as misfits looking for trouble. This passiveness is the worst possible thing that can happen to one. It is like we are all still stuck under the British Raj, only now the firangi is no longer an English Babu but a superior who we are so afraid to approach or question. All we do is do as the firangi says and be content that we completed the work diligently. When will we come to realise that we are shackling ourselves, when we fail to question we no longer are oppressed by others but we become our own oppressors.
Speak up and speak loud, our voices need to be heard, our questions need to be answered
Its always weird when you are the last one left standing and its really not that great of a feeling when you know that you are going to be eventually knocked off.
Talking about lost causes, I always happen to be running to the rescue to one of those which contrary to what one may think is not the best habit one should pick up. I live in India, home of the proud, the pious, the unbelievably patriotic, the outrageously dumb and my favorite the spineless rat. In a country like ours "India", just saying again to let it sink in, we are taught not to question authority even when we know that they are rambling their way off a cliff.
The insatiable need to be satisfied with the cards we are dealt is taken to the next level, where being passive is considered good. When the great Mahatma called for Passive Resistance and Hijrat in his teachings of Satyagraha- The Way of Truth, he in no way intended for us to be passive and flee at the first sight of oppression. He never said that one should not question. In fact it is questioning that enlightens. But we have forgotten what it is to be free.
Instead when one questions they are looked upon as rebels, as outcasts and are taken as misfits looking for trouble. This passiveness is the worst possible thing that can happen to one. It is like we are all still stuck under the British Raj, only now the firangi is no longer an English Babu but a superior who we are so afraid to approach or question. All we do is do as the firangi says and be content that we completed the work diligently. When will we come to realise that we are shackling ourselves, when we fail to question we no longer are oppressed by others but we become our own oppressors.
Speak up and speak loud, our voices need to be heard, our questions need to be answered
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Went for a wedding today... not just any wedding but the traditional Indian type where excess is good. Loads of food, overdressed people, a loud slightly off key brass band, faces covered in layers of make up, colors that would make you wish that you were color blind and enough jewelery to make one a walking hazard sign. Hmmm... good fun when I actually look at the bigger picture. Armi and I spent most of our time trying to nominate people for "Most Outrageously Dressed" person and I must say the competition was tough. Now coming too the food. All I can say is most of it is acquired taste, loads of variety, only thing is that it was all vegetarian. Kinda makes it a wee bit difficult to satisfy yourself with a spread like this when you are addicted to meat.
We moved out of there pretty late and ended up taking an auto. The cool breeze that was blowing turned into a biting chill which somehow seemed to affect only me, Armi being the thick skinned ass she is was enjoying the blaring radio which again seemed to be too loud only for me. I was frozen stiff even though I had a shawl wrapped around me.The ass of a driver charged us one and a halftimes the regular rate which was pretty heavy on my wallet. Expensive ...Quite an experience though ...
Only I wish I had taken a few photographs... bloody memory was out.
Note to self "Buy bigger memory card".
Went for a wedding today... not just any wedding but the traditional Indian type where excess is good. Loads of food, overdressed people, a loud slightly off key brass band, faces covered in layers of make up, colors that would make you wish that you were color blind and enough jewelery to make one a walking hazard sign. Hmmm... good fun when I actually look at the bigger picture. Armi and I spent most of our time trying to nominate people for "Most Outrageously Dressed" person and I must say the competition was tough. Now coming too the food. All I can say is most of it is acquired taste, loads of variety, only thing is that it was all vegetarian. Kinda makes it a wee bit difficult to satisfy yourself with a spread like this when you are addicted to meat.
We moved out of there pretty late and ended up taking an auto. The cool breeze that was blowing turned into a biting chill which somehow seemed to affect only me, Armi being the thick skinned ass she is was enjoying the blaring radio which again seemed to be too loud only for me. I was frozen stiff even though I had a shawl wrapped around me.The ass of a driver charged us one and a halftimes the regular rate which was pretty heavy on my wallet. Expensive ...Quite an experience though ...
Only I wish I had taken a few photographs... bloody memory was out.
Note to self "Buy bigger memory card".
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008

The feeling of oneness with certain things and people is unexplainable. The shoes you wear, the girl next door, the bike you ride, the car you drive or even the coffee you drink. Some people call it preference but I prefer to call it a connection.You only begin to like something or someone when you at complete ease and are absolutely comfortable with it's or their presence.
I got on a bike the other day. My first, after the accident, and it was a one of those 4-stroke growlers , a legend in its own right but it has not garnered any of my respect, it was not that it was underpowered, it most probably had the same number of horses as mine but it just didn't feel right. The engine was smooth but the gears were a little too twitchy for my liking, for a better part of the time I was trying to figure out how to click into neutral. I gave it, what most of my friends call the "Rape Routine", which is basically where all gear shifts are made at the red line and really really hard braking is called for. A good spin and I settled down for a hot cup of masala chai at the Chai place. Now here I saw Tan pull up his Yamaha .The RX 135 . The same make and model as mine and the only thing on my mind was to rev my boots off.
The moment I got on the bike, it felt like home, the low seat, the comfy grips, the speedo console with its faded digits and the slim tank. I was back in heaven. I kicked started the little monster and the familiar shiver ran up my spine. I revved once and felt the vibes go up my arm, twisted the throttle wide open and the scream from the engine bought a smile to my face. I slapped the gear lever down a notch and engaged into first, played around with the clutch as I twisted the throttle to and fro, the bike begging to be released so that it could unleash its devilish steeds to run wild on the tarmac. Another flick of the wrist, popped the clutch and I was off. It was almost as if 3 months made no difference at all, the throttle wide open, the engine screaming, the wind whistling through my ears and the first signs of my eyes watering brought back the fiendish grin on my face. I was at peace; peace which I wished to last forever but the time to turn around had come and I decided to make the most of it. As I switched down to second and opened up the throttle wide and had the best ever wheelie. The never ending second is always the best to gear to pop one, as the front slowly touched ground, I clicked into third and then into fourth in quick succession. And as i approached the Chai place I gradually slipped into neutral and then gently tapped on the rear as I grabbed a fistful of the front brake. The bike screeched to a halt.
The guys were giving weird looks when I got off the bike, I think it was mostly because of the lopsided grin that was plastered on my face. "Felt good... didn't it???"; they chorused, the expression still the same on my face, till Tan came up and with a slight frown said, "You'll fucking blow my piston my piston, you fucking bastard" and then with a sly smile continued, " Felt good eh???" ...
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Now one may ask why I write on a blog when there are many things that can be considered mentally satisfying, my answer to that is "I don't know" and I really would not want to dwell and contemplate on the intricacies of my though process for what I may consider stimulating.
Now anyway today is a day that I shall be venting out my frustrations on a very interesting program called the Associate Training Program which unfortunately I am a part of. The scope and potential for a program such as this is exponentially great but only if it is managed in the right way. The screening process should be such that only the best of the best get through. They should not aim at quantity; this is definably not some third grade graduation course meant for every Gorge, Bobby and Raju who can shoot words out of their mouth faster than a Tommy; this program was meant to be for the select few who after a through scrubbing should be given the opportunity. This however has not happened and the consequences as such have left the program in a dilapidated state .
The attitudes of some of the people in the course are so unspeakable that sometimes I wonder how they ever got past the Line Manager's interview. This shows through when we try to organise events on college and then find that its either that most of them do not participate in the events and those who do crib about how the events are managed. However when called upon to organise an event the latter party will come up with soem lame excuse which will shame a three year old. The negativity that is in the air is no less than a plague spreading and infecting everyone.
This year against all odds managed to a Fresher's Party for the juniors which although did not happened as planned was a much greater success than was expected for. Now here comes the interesting part, anyone with a good perception of human thinking would make a very natural assumption that all misconceptions that were held earlier about the organising of such events would have subsided and be replaced by optimism for any future events, however this is not the case.
People who I saw over loading their plates with food come up things like, " You know the food last time was not that great, I really didn't enjoy it"; Yeah right slutface , stuff your face anymore any i would have a tough time searching for you under the mound of food that you gobbled.
Then there are the others who come 4 hours late for the party which means that they were 2 hours late for the food and ten crib that there was no food to eat. Hmmm now I wonder if any of those geniuses heard about time management.
Now the next bunch of weirdos who stayed a walking distance from the place and yet cribbed that there was a dearth of transport... now my fellow idiots which college event have you heard of which provides transport???
Oh and how can I ever forget the most shameless of them all who excused themselves form not contributing towards the event by saying that they would not pay since they were not coming... Ok ... Fair enough but guess what the assholes turned up and then had the cheek to come and tell us how lame the whole thing was. Fuck you pussy breath. Who the hell do you think you are???
Now we decide to hold a Farewell for the seniors and people come up with the same old crap. Give me a break freaking buggers. Don't give me shit like "I'm outta cash dude" on the 6th of the month.... What the fuck do you spend it on... dope??? You can buy a shit load of Ganja and i bloody bet you that you still be left with loads of money and the amount we are asking for is a minuscule sum.
About the Planning Committee... I am speechless, we created the committee is that we could organise events which you asked for. Now when you ask us to organise an event we expect you to take part in it nor just sit like a moron in the audience. We wasted a whole load of cash on events which were a failure thanks to no one participating. Now this is the first time where I have seen people who find it degrading to participate in events and possibly win something. I do not understand how this is even possible. All i can say is that it is your loss.
I hope all of you have enjoyed the past 7 months in a state of hibernation where your neuro activity was close to zero.You all seem to have the utmost joy in doing nothing and in the process of doing nothing, gaining nothing. You all seem to be extremely contented with yourselves to an extent where you do not even wish to maybe build on a skill. As I have already said it is your loss alone.
Now one may ask why I write on a blog when there are many things that can be considered mentally satisfying, my answer to that is "I don't know" and I really would not want to dwell and contemplate on the intricacies of my though process for what I may consider stimulating.
Now anyway today is a day that I shall be venting out my frustrations on a very interesting program called the Associate Training Program which unfortunately I am a part of. The scope and potential for a program such as this is exponentially great but only if it is managed in the right way. The screening process should be such that only the best of the best get through. They should not aim at quantity; this is definably not some third grade graduation course meant for every Gorge, Bobby and Raju who can shoot words out of their mouth faster than a Tommy; this program was meant to be for the select few who after a through scrubbing should be given the opportunity. This however has not happened and the consequences as such have left the program in a dilapidated state .
The attitudes of some of the people in the course are so unspeakable that sometimes I wonder how they ever got past the Line Manager's interview. This shows through when we try to organise events on college and then find that its either that most of them do not participate in the events and those who do crib about how the events are managed. However when called upon to organise an event the latter party will come up with soem lame excuse which will shame a three year old. The negativity that is in the air is no less than a plague spreading and infecting everyone.
This year against all odds managed to a Fresher's Party for the juniors which although did not happened as planned was a much greater success than was expected for. Now here comes the interesting part, anyone with a good perception of human thinking would make a very natural assumption that all misconceptions that were held earlier about the organising of such events would have subsided and be replaced by optimism for any future events, however this is not the case.
People who I saw over loading their plates with food come up things like, " You know the food last time was not that great, I really didn't enjoy it"; Yeah right slutface , stuff your face anymore any i would have a tough time searching for you under the mound of food that you gobbled.
Then there are the others who come 4 hours late for the party which means that they were 2 hours late for the food and ten crib that there was no food to eat. Hmmm now I wonder if any of those geniuses heard about time management.
Now the next bunch of weirdos who stayed a walking distance from the place and yet cribbed that there was a dearth of transport... now my fellow idiots which college event have you heard of which provides transport???
Oh and how can I ever forget the most shameless of them all who excused themselves form not contributing towards the event by saying that they would not pay since they were not coming... Ok ... Fair enough but guess what the assholes turned up and then had the cheek to come and tell us how lame the whole thing was. Fuck you pussy breath. Who the hell do you think you are???
Now we decide to hold a Farewell for the seniors and people come up with the same old crap. Give me a break freaking buggers. Don't give me shit like "I'm outta cash dude" on the 6th of the month.... What the fuck do you spend it on... dope??? You can buy a shit load of Ganja and i bloody bet you that you still be left with loads of money and the amount we are asking for is a minuscule sum.
About the Planning Committee... I am speechless, we created the committee is that we could organise events which you asked for. Now when you ask us to organise an event we expect you to take part in it nor just sit like a moron in the audience. We wasted a whole load of cash on events which were a failure thanks to no one participating. Now this is the first time where I have seen people who find it degrading to participate in events and possibly win something. I do not understand how this is even possible. All i can say is that it is your loss.
I hope all of you have enjoyed the past 7 months in a state of hibernation where your neuro activity was close to zero.You all seem to have the utmost joy in doing nothing and in the process of doing nothing, gaining nothing. You all seem to be extremely contented with yourselves to an extent where you do not even wish to maybe build on a skill. As I have already said it is your loss alone.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
APPLE !!! Bite me...
In my honest opinion Apple in their bloody quest to have a monopoly over the portable music player industry have made the installation and use of their player and software so cumbersome that it has left me frustrated to an extent where I have no wish what so ever to lay my hands on the slick looking black Nano lying on my desk.
The story started with my sister buying it for me on my birthday and thanks to a screwed up parcel service reached me a month late but i was happy that it had finally arrived. I plugged it in for a charge and everything seemed fine until the point of time that I felt the insatiable urge to listen to Dimmu bogir. Well i never used iTunes before so I had to download a 50mb setup file which refused to initialize because the earlier version of Quicktime; another apple application; refused to uninstall. Freaking mother of a baboon; I spent a better part of the night trying to figure out how exactly to go about uninstalling the Apple updater which was the cause of the whole mess. Well no luck there so i decided to download a compatible uploader called EPHpod which worked awesomely well. I was able to upload music onto this little cracker sized music box; elation- for the first time I felt a glimmer of hope light up my dark room, bloody fucking short lived it was.
I unplugged the ipod form the computer only to see that now it showed "No Music". Thank you EPHpod, you made my bloody day. Anyway it was late and I decided sleep was a better option.
Morning again... more like afternoon, not that it matters but still. The first thing i decided to do was call the Apple Helpdesk which was a complete waste of my time. The awesomely brilliant idiot who spoke to me told me to do what I had already done which was to try and purge all Apple files and programs form my computer.
Guess what... it still doesn't work. I go to the next best place for advice "ipod user forum", turns out there were more problems floating around rather than solutions.
Time for (lets see A... B ... C... D... Oh yeah E) Plan E, now I wish I had made plan E my plan B but you know what they say "Hindsight is the most perfect science in this world". Now back to my plan, very simple it was,
USE ANOTHER COMPUTER... So in comes my Dad's laptop, personally I hate laptops but here I had no choice, I decided to setup the iTunes software on his system and plug in the ipod for the file transfers.
Now being the idiot I am, I came up withe this brilliant idea of connecting the laptop to my computer with a cable which by itself made a mini network. Took me something around 20 minutes to set up the network and tweak the wireless a bit so that now both the systems had a sufficient bandwidth to work with. Here was the reason for the network; since I had already downloaded the iTunes setup files all I had to do was access it through the laptop and set it up... Simple, think you not, also that allowed for me to access all the files on the desktop including my precious precious music.
Hmmm, the setup took longer than expected, a good 15 minutes or so. With the setup done, I restarted the laptop , plugged in the ipod and viola, iTunes launched almost instantaneously.... JOY... this didn't last either.
The bloody software could not read the files already on the ipod. Pissing off. And as if Loki had to mock me,
enter Dad who looks at the weird setup and starts rattling about me messing around with his IP settings...Huh??? IP settings??? Where did that come from now??? It took a good 20 minutes to convince him that all his setting were left untouched.
A lunatic calm was now rising inside me, frustration and hopelessness were making them more and more comfortable just so as to tell you the state I currently am in. Thoughts about smashing the flashy little gadget against the wall and then running it over with the car felt like the most rational thing to do. Whack!!! whack!!! Slap myself back to reality... with the above thoughts still fresh in my mind and the need to just scream made me repack the ipod in its tiny case and keep it out of sight lest my feelings get the better of me.
Its not like i don't want to use, I really would love to but if loading a couple of tracks almost made me a raving maniac, I think I'd rather not... the free stickers that came along hardly make up for the all the shit.
In my honest opinion Apple in their bloody quest to have a monopoly over the portable music player industry have made the installation and use of their player and software so cumbersome that it has left me frustrated to an extent where I have no wish what so ever to lay my hands on the slick looking black Nano lying on my desk.
The story started with my sister buying it for me on my birthday and thanks to a screwed up parcel service reached me a month late but i was happy that it had finally arrived. I plugged it in for a charge and everything seemed fine until the point of time that I felt the insatiable urge to listen to Dimmu bogir. Well i never used iTunes before so I had to download a 50mb setup file which refused to initialize because the earlier version of Quicktime; another apple application; refused to uninstall. Freaking mother of a baboon; I spent a better part of the night trying to figure out how exactly to go about uninstalling the Apple updater which was the cause of the whole mess. Well no luck there so i decided to download a compatible uploader called EPHpod which worked awesomely well. I was able to upload music onto this little cracker sized music box; elation- for the first time I felt a glimmer of hope light up my dark room, bloody fucking short lived it was.
I unplugged the ipod form the computer only to see that now it showed "No Music". Thank you EPHpod, you made my bloody day. Anyway it was late and I decided sleep was a better option.
Morning again... more like afternoon, not that it matters but still. The first thing i decided to do was call the Apple Helpdesk which was a complete waste of my time. The awesomely brilliant idiot who spoke to me told me to do what I had already done which was to try and purge all Apple files and programs form my computer.
Guess what... it still doesn't work. I go to the next best place for advice "ipod user forum", turns out there were more problems floating around rather than solutions.
Time for (lets see A... B ... C... D... Oh yeah E) Plan E, now I wish I had made plan E my plan B but you know what they say "Hindsight is the most perfect science in this world". Now back to my plan, very simple it was,
USE ANOTHER COMPUTER... So in comes my Dad's laptop, personally I hate laptops but here I had no choice, I decided to setup the iTunes software on his system and plug in the ipod for the file transfers.
Now being the idiot I am, I came up withe this brilliant idea of connecting the laptop to my computer with a cable which by itself made a mini network. Took me something around 20 minutes to set up the network and tweak the wireless a bit so that now both the systems had a sufficient bandwidth to work with. Here was the reason for the network; since I had already downloaded the iTunes setup files all I had to do was access it through the laptop and set it up... Simple, think you not, also that allowed for me to access all the files on the desktop including my precious precious music.
Hmmm, the setup took longer than expected, a good 15 minutes or so. With the setup done, I restarted the laptop , plugged in the ipod and viola, iTunes launched almost instantaneously.... JOY... this didn't last either.
The bloody software could not read the files already on the ipod. Pissing off. And as if Loki had to mock me,
enter Dad who looks at the weird setup and starts rattling about me messing around with his IP settings...Huh??? IP settings??? Where did that come from now??? It took a good 20 minutes to convince him that all his setting were left untouched.
A lunatic calm was now rising inside me, frustration and hopelessness were making them more and more comfortable just so as to tell you the state I currently am in. Thoughts about smashing the flashy little gadget against the wall and then running it over with the car felt like the most rational thing to do. Whack!!! whack!!! Slap myself back to reality... with the above thoughts still fresh in my mind and the need to just scream made me repack the ipod in its tiny case and keep it out of sight lest my feelings get the better of me.
Its not like i don't want to use, I really would love to but if loading a couple of tracks almost made me a raving maniac, I think I'd rather not... the free stickers that came along hardly make up for the all the shit.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Sleepy sleepy sleepy day... Was late for the first class today,not that it made a difference. The class was almost empty. Took my usual place in the fourth row and got lost in my own little world till the roll call.The rest of the day was no better as the classes passed by more and more people dropped of to sleep.

Sleepy sleepy sleepy day... Was late for the first class today,not that it made a difference. The class was almost empty. Took my usual place in the fourth row and got lost in my own little world till the roll call.The rest of the day was no better as the classes passed by more and more people dropped of to sleep.

Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
The type of date I am...(Now this is a good one :-p)
You are mature but still in the prime of your life. You especially cherish your friends, and you're emotionally ready to try out long-term relationships (if you want!). You are experienced (maybe beyond your years!), and people find that very attractive. Your date better be prepared for scintilating conversations coupled with the occasional wild time out!
The type of friend I am...
The ultimate friend. You know what it means to be a friend and you keep them close. You are loyal and respected.
The swear word i represent...
I'm Bitch!
You deemed a useable word in society, but you are nevertheless pretty bada$$. You true definition is not that exciting a female dog. But time has put you up there amongst the many no-no's in our world.
According to World Challenge ...
Anoop Pamu's birth date says this...
All this just makes me wonder how accurate these tests actually... Hmmm
The type of date I am...(Now this is a good one :-p)
You are mature but still in the prime of your life. You especially cherish your friends, and you're emotionally ready to try out long-term relationships (if you want!). You are experienced (maybe beyond your years!), and people find that very attractive. Your date better be prepared for scintilating conversations coupled with the occasional wild time out!
The type of friend I am...
The ultimate friend. You know what it means to be a friend and you keep them close. You are loyal and respected.
The swear word i represent...
I'm Bitch!
You deemed a useable word in society, but you are nevertheless pretty bada$$. You true definition is not that exciting a female dog. But time has put you up there amongst the many no-no's in our world.
According to World Challenge ...
| ||||||||||||||
You are multi-talented, and which you believe grow only by sharing with others. Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too close to peoples' hearts to bring about jealousy. Creative and original, you're usually thinking of bleeding edge ideas. Witty and quick thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges.
All this just makes me wonder how accurate these tests actually... Hmmm
Monday, January 14, 2008

Monday again and as usual slept in late... got up in time for lunch though. Decided to bake some brownies since i had loads of time until my shift in the evening.Don't feel like working today, feel like listening to some blues and wrapping up in a blanket. Screw spring I'm still shivering my ass off.
Buddy is in love with his new bone, he eats with it, sleeps with it and I have to literally pry it out of his mouth before taking him for a walk.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hmmm where do I start now, happened to be our professor's birthday today so to celebrate he gave us the day off. Weird but true ... all we did all day was fool around in class. Managed to get a little work done in the afternoon, Jeev and I complied a summary of the academic year which amazingly turned out to be a bigger pain then it actually was thanks to the ultra super fast systems and a screwed up keyboard. Next time I'm going to compile all the reports at home.
The evening wasn't very exciting, attended a lecture and spent the rest of the night hanging out with a couple of my buddies.
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Today was when work had little extra touch of excess. The floor was decorated with loads of enthusiasm and a certain lack of skill but it all came together quite well.The Town Hall tomorrow should be fun ... at least I hope it is...
In the morning I met 3 very interesting ladies who happened to enlighten me on loads of things , some of which I was blissfully ignorant about or rather at times chose to ignore. Feminist is an interesting category to place them in, it is somewhat difficult to place such people in any category as a category so does not exist. Which I should say is awesomely awesome.
One of them supposedly wrote content for a website and her friend who also happened to be her biggest critic and a self proclaimed "feminist" ; now if all feminists are like her I'd really wouldn't mind their sometimes over the top accusations against mankind. She seemed to have very clear cut view of her beliefs which for a change was nice to see. The third one by far was the most interesting, lost and confused and highly imaginative to an extent where every word you say can lead to an awkward situation. And yes, if you are reading this; ketchup stains ... live with it. Oh, and thanks for the cola, really needed it then.
I also realised that autos are way too bloody expensive and are seriously the fastest way to go broke ... I end up spending more on the fare then on lunch, blasphemous it is. I'm going to start using buses, I'd rather sit with Mr. Coulduseadeo than go home with an empty pocket.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Wednesday, January 09, 2008

An okay day at office, had a couple of assessments and well I survived so guess I'm not doing too bad after all. The interesting part was when they had a roll call for soccer try outs, my name was on the list but thanks to my temporary disability I wasn't able to take part in the try outs. Made me feel like the Ginger bread man ..BRITTLE.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Ek Saal Baad... The Struggle begins...
Well finally started studying today and realised that I am well behind schedule, too much to do too little time. Just proves that I have learnt nothing from last year.I think I ll need to brush up on my french too, got an exam coming up.Freak the last time I picked up a book was over a year ago...Sigh ... Sigh...
Been almost half a year since my sister left for Chicago and sometimes I end up missing her a lot more than usual. Today seems to be one of those days. Funny you don't realise how much you need something till you don't have it anymore ...

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Well today is Sunday, slept pretty late last night but ended up waking up pretty early today. Last night also happened to record some of the lowest temperature this winter. Not that it made a difference but thought I'd mention it anyway. Mom is grading test sheets again and as usual a good percentage of them will not pass. I was given the chore of shelling peas and that took up a better part of my morning. I think I 'll need another cup of coffee if I'm to make it to lunch without dozing off...

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Not the best day after all ...
Today was pretty boring, nothing much happened in college and we had loads of free time on our hands. We ended up spending our time at the chai place and a better half of the day sitting on the parapet outside class.Was not a very good day to take photographs because all i could think of was curling into a ball and having myself a siesta. Didn't happen though.

Friday, January 04, 2008
How i wish i could fit in those chairs, Chinna as usual asleep in class. Man I wonder how some people can stay awake throughout the entire day at college. I personally cannot and tend to doze off now and then.
This also happens to be the day we started collecting funds for our seniors farewell at college. Honestly its a serious pain in the ass. People do not want to comprise and yet they are unwilling to pay the required amount. Sad sad situation

Thursday, January 03, 2008
Fueled and ready to go!!!

You'll need to ride one to know one.

Dddddddddd... dadadadadadad.... drrrrrrr ....Drrrunnnkkkk ...
This is and will always remain one my favorites. Everyone is in their own world except for Gauri who looks straight into the camera.
The last day of training at office and the only guy sober in the picture is Shajjiboi to the extreme right. Jai, Chinna and Tan were pretty buzzed up then... Good fun.
Crucify me!!! Alan wot were u thinking ...

The last day of training at office and the only guy sober in the picture is Shajjiboi to the extreme right. Jai, Chinna and Tan were pretty buzzed up then... Good fun.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Decided that today to put up all the photographs which were taken in 2007.Most of the were taken with the help of a camera phone and a lot of luck.
This particular photograph was taken while walking through a hotel lobby.

This was taken outside the college canteen. The interesting part is none of us are wearing Converse. There are 2 pairs of Adidas and a pair each of Puma, Levis and Reebok.

The picture above was my first day out of bed after my accident and coincidently also happened to be my birthday.
This one was taken by Emmanuel when he came over .

These 2 photographs were taken after a night of riding along the Necklace Road. Our knuckles were frozen hard but we were somehow craving for ice cream. Nothing really sets you free like a ride on a 2-stroke screamer, the Yamaha RX-135 and the Yamaha RXZ; our trusty steads. 16 bhp from a ported engine with the bike weighing less then 100kgs... pure ecstasy. The goosebumps as u set off in first gear,trying hard not to flip over with the uninitiated wheelie and then you slip into second the bike revving hard as it reaches its peak. The speedo showing a little over 60kmph, you switch to third and the boost pushes you back and you begin to crouch ... 75, 80, 85, 90 and then you tap the gear shift up one more time and you are in 4th; the bike screams and the wind howls by. SNAP. Shut your visor and the whizzing stops, all you hear now is the bike and your heart beating hard in your chest. A silent prayer as you look down at the speedo which shows a little over 120kmph, all you can hope for is that no one comes around the blind corner as you lean in and take a deep breath and accelerate hard as u reach the end of the turn. The crossroads in sight you let go of the accelerator and the engine 's scream turns to a silent purr, you tap lightly on the brakes , gently shift to neutral and roll to a stop at the red light. Now the smell of burning rubber and boiling engine oil reaches your nose and a sly grin appears under the visor. The signal turns green and u ease into first gear. Time to go home. Enough fun for tonight.

I'm still not too sure why i took this picture. Its a close up of Armi's jeans. I think eating all those brownies and ice cream brought out the creative side in me.

Schmuck's Law of Screwing Up states that " the more you try to make things right, the more things will go precariously wrong". This holds true to an extent beyond doubt which makes it pissing off.
I believe that the best things that can possibly happen are mistakes; unfortunately I was planned for so that makes me not so special. Although for a majority of my childhood I was led to think otherwise.
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
My quest for writing the perfect article has led me nowhere; the inconsistent incoherent blabber is a synopsis of my hardly stable mind. The disarray a mind faces when one does not utilize it for the betterment of himself is beyond ones contemplation. It was once said by a very wise man whose name i cannot recall "To better oneself does more good then to better society, since it is not society that makes the changes, it is the individual". Don't try looking this up in any of those fat books in the library, the quote is as obscure as the article I am writing. My over enthusiastic reading has led me to discredit and yet regard highly the mediocrity of my life. It's weird, think you not, people never appreciate mediocrity out in the open and yet each one of us covets it deep in the darkest parts of the heart. But this has nothing to do with my article. I shall try an new old philosophy of the ancient masters "since most people are mediocre; they will love all those superior to their own sense of betterment.Further if they are led to believe that the mediocrity of their passive lives is what greatness is, then they will learn to appreciate mediocrity openly; while those superior to them in thinking shall quietly snicker at the meiotic dope benevolence to something the others will never understand".
That has led me to believe that by impressing on those, that are to read the writing, that this is an article to be held to the bosom and never otherwise, it will make them value the non-being of my succulent ramblings. Moreover since the reader shall never see me or hear me so I can create a non existent intrinsic value for my writing which the reader shall accept without a doubt in their mind because that is what they were taught; that is, not to question greatness The parsimonious simple manipulation of imaginary trust which will create an unflinching bond between the reader and that which is being read, which in the end makes the reader believe that he has seen greatness while all he has done is instead of making a simple translation of what I, the creator, wrote; finds some veiled meaning which I never anticipated for.
If you are waiting for some bohemian bullshit for an aritcle it is not what you shall recieve... nothing but brutal disappointment awaits you. For I am noe going to do something I have never done before; close witha relevant conclusion. For this I will say Prometheus stole fire from the Gods and he paid the price. Society hasd stolen our imagination and will pay the price, a price too heavy to put down in words nevertheless it will be paid for in full; that was the serious part, the funny part is no one even remembers.
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