We are so bloody lost!
According to the Oxford English Dictionary, racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another race or races.
The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines racism as a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race, and that it is also the prejudice based on such a belief.
Now the way I look at it, strictly adhering to the above mentioned definition. Its not the westerners but we Indians who are the most racist of the lot.
The Westerners as you have mentioned did have racial prejudices to the so called dark-skinned people.They were technically superior and therefore felt that the rest of the world was hopelessly inferior to the extent where they needed to be schooled on how to live. This however was more so because of ignorance and to an extent fear.
The ignorance over the next few generations turned into habit and this led to the what we now come to understand as racism.
The years of reform and widespread enlightenment have led to its much wanted demise however the effect was not total. When they say old habits die hard, they should have added racism to the list. However the "white man" now is so scared to even utter something that may vaguely be thought of a racial slur that he would rather say nothing rather than be persecuted in a court of law.
The Indian on the other hand is so used to racial persecution that they have positively forgotten what might amount to racism. Almost everything we as Indians say to describe a person can be considered racial. For example we feel all Marwadis are tight fisted money mongers and pretty openly
accuse them of being cheap. Now this a blatant display of racism and no less. We thing all Biharis are mannerless cow herders , again racism. We think all Sardars are dumb, racism yet again.
The "white man" atleast makes an effort to move away from stereotypes and treat everyone with respect. They make such a huge effort to eradicate racism that they will got to an extent of alienating an entire country. But what about us as Indians, where do we stand on stereotypes, when will we make an effort to a united India and not have a North-South divide, when will we learn to treat someone with respect regardless of their cast or gender. When will we set aside our cultural and religious beliefs so that we can at the least begin to make an effort. I hope that its sooner than later.