About Me

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FREEDOM is ... An open road, My rusty bike roaring to life And a tank full of fuel... Well I am a little confused and no I am not very creative. Many of the pictures you see up on the blog are mistakes.And a sincere request PLEASE DO NOT STEAL THE PHOTOGRAPHS FROM MY BLOG.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Monday, August 11, 2008

This got me into Malhar...

‘…The piglets of the world are creeping into our society. Little by little, bit by bit, day by day, disenfranchised home grown American punk teenager after disenfranchised home grown American punk teenager on Internet forums, angry black man after angry black man in the prisons, block of Halal (unprintable) by block of Halal (unprintable) to accommodate the Muslim demand for Halal food.

Before you know it you have a mosque erecting a Minaret on Mainstream in Small-town Minnesota and the call to prayer goes out five times a day defeating the protests of local residents under the pretense of “Freedom of Religion” and man, oh man, before you know it, as Europe is slowly discovering, you find yourself outnumbered, intimidated, and entering into full-time appeasement which is a sign of weakness of which Jihadis have no respect.

Their next step is the Sword of Allah on your throat, sandal on your chest, ordering you to submit or die.

They are like rabid mongrel dogs that only understand the pain of a boot up the (unprintable) and a bullet behind the ear…’

Q) Unfortunately, there are times when such despicable and deeply offensive pieces make their way into our daily papers. Charged with a strong and disgustful reaction, frame a response to the editor of the paper carrying the article, putting your point across without stooping as low as the author has.

You and your pompous American sense of self-righteousness, you fail to see how much you have wronged the world. You seem to turn a blind eye when our women and children are burnt, our homes blown to bits and our countries bartered on your poker table.

You seem to forget history; your forefather’s waged war to sell opium, rendered a whole generation impotent, due to your indiscriminate use of atomic technology, you sent your own countrymen to their death for two decades and accuse us of being barbaric. You see nothing erroneous in building a church even when no one wants to be a Christian, you see nothing wrong in defiling our Holy land, and you endorse drug addicts and sex pots and find us to be the ones wronging your cultures by believing in God.

The First Amendment allows you, your freedom of speech and the freedom of religion and it is the same amendment which allows us the identical freedom.

The pretense of “Freedom of religion” is the very same one that your countrymen use to spend millions of dollars every year to send hundreds of preachers to far off lands to “spread the Gospel”. The White man’s burden will always be your inheritance, when will you learn to play in your own backyard???

Jihad, is what you speak of when you have not the littlest of comprehension about my society, what about the Crusades?? What about the dying people in Palestine?? You speak nothing of the matted soothsayers who spell doom at every word that they scream, as they rave and rant waving their Bible wildly at passers by, on Broadway, asking them to repent or die a fiery death. The Jews build their Synagogues, the Hindus their temples, the Sikhs their Gururdwars, leave us alone and let us build our mosques. It will do no more harm than the church around the corner.

One cannot blame an entire race for the wrongs of few; it is unfortunate that things had to be the way they are… Not all Muslims are blood thirsty mass murderers. It is like for one despot of a leader one cannot claim that all Germans are anti-semantic. I can go on and on citing examples but I think you get the point.

The paranoia that you have spread is irreversible. The sentiments you expressed were despicable but I shall not shun you my brother, I shall embrace you, for you are yet to understand the complexities of life, you are up till now a child too scared to let go of your mother’s bosoms. May god forgive you.

Your Personality is Very Rare (ENTP)

Your personality type is optimistic, curious, enthusiastic, and open.

Only about 4% of all people have your personality, including 3% of all women and 5% of all men.

You are Extroverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Your Birthdate: December 5

You have many talents, and you are great at sharing those talents with others.

Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to elicit jealousy.

Progressive and original, you're usually thinking up cutting edge ideas.

Quick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges.

Your strength: Your superhuman brainpower

Your weakness: Your susceptibility to boredom

Your power color: Tangerine

Your power symbol: Ace

Your power month: May

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Friday, June 27, 2008

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Its been more then a week since I lost my phone(.. again), amazingly the past week has been the most peaceful of my life, I do miss talking to till 2 am and snickering at the very thought of disturbing someone in the middle of the night just to find out if they were wearing pajamas or shorts but I think I've been doing better at work without that godforsaken gadget. In fact I love the quiet time I'm getting these days so much that I decided to stay without one for a little while longer. But more then all of these I think I've got time to reflect. I know, I know... Me and reflect don't go together but its true, you think I'm always that guy with the impish grin plastered on my face , well I'm not, its only when I'm bored that it comes to me.

I sometimes, more like more then often wonder if I've grown as a person, I'm not too sure of it. It has been 8 months since Karma caught up and all I can think of is getting back on a bike, I feel like a part of me is missing, that sounded cliche but dare you say I lie about it. Yesterday I spent the better part of my afternoon staring at the twisted chassis of what was once my baby. Everytime I hear the whine of a Yammy zoom past or puttering its way down the lot, I wish it was me on the bike. I wonder if my yearning to get back on it is something much deeper, a spiritual connection to say the least. Therapy for my soul. I need to get back on...

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

White Noise

When I was asked if it was humanly possible to stop loving, I wasn’t sure anymore…

Its 3 am and I wrap up my last call of the day. The case documentation is slow and I feel lethargic. I see a text box flashing on my screen, it is her… When was the last time I spoke to her ???… Was it last month …No... no … not last month… it was 3 months ago. Do I reply??? The screen flashes again …

I finish the case documentation and I switch off the screen. Too much pain… A weird sense of accomplishment overcomes me as I pack my bag, say my goodbyes and head towards to parking lot. I stop at the atrium and check my cell phone. The last message she sent me; ” Thanks for everything sweets” , my lips start to curve into a half smile…


I think the time has come; next I browse through my contacts … its long before I muster the courage to delete her number. I tell myself “ … its for your own good.. “. I feel a warm tear roll down my cheek. “It’s not right for boys to cry” , I wipe it away. I see my cab waiting. I’m coming home …

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


A few days was all that was needed for me to fall in love with Manipal ... the place has an intoxicating aura that leaves one with a the most amazing of hangovers. I definitely rate it over cannabis and way over that puny bottle of vodka that was supposed to be for keeps ... I decided to take the train to Bangalore and from there catch the bus to Manipal. The train was perfect and was everything a train ride should be ... the bus ride was everything a bus ride should have been but i just wished it wasn't so much that. I had one of the worst 12 hrs of my life on that bus... Falling off my seat twice and having to sit next to a stinking SOB was a little more torture than i could bear, nevertheless I got off at Udupi which is something like a 15 min ride in a rickshaw. Bumpy is an understatement but enjoyable in a weird sort of way. This may also be the reason why massages are so cheap in Manipal. The first day was a little bit of random sightseeing. The rain in the evening was a huge dampener because we were all looking forward to spending some time at the Kaapu Beach. We still managed to have fun though, getting drenched in the rain has it own joys which are unfathomable. The night was spent playing Counterstrike and drinking loads of soda. Our next two attempts to got to Kaapu were shot down and we finally gave up, everyone seemed to obsessed with this place called End Point which was nothing more than a hillock which offered the same view that I had from my room, we ended up not going and played some more counter strike. The real reason we were in Manipal was for the Mainpal Media Students Convention'08 (MMSC) which was also holding the first Blogger's meet or so we were told. The convention was fun but I had a lot more fun just doing nothing at all . In fact the next time i go there I will be doing nothing at all ... Next vacation Manipal

Friday, April 11, 2008

Saturday, April 05, 2008

The past 2 weeks have been very hectic ... exams and more exams ... 2 more to go ... thank Zeus its almost over. Buddy decide to give us company during our preparations for the Accounts exam. We more or less went with hardly enough sleep the past week . Late brunch was routine ... Buddy as usual joined in for the meal...

Thursday, March 27, 2008


Friday, March 21, 2008

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Decided to have a night out to gear up for the exams .. only thing is we didn't study much ... we has a slight incident on the way to my place ...