About Me

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FREEDOM is ... An open road, My rusty bike roaring to life And a tank full of fuel... Well I am a little confused and no I am not very creative. Many of the pictures you see up on the blog are mistakes.And a sincere request PLEASE DO NOT STEAL THE PHOTOGRAPHS FROM MY BLOG.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


A few days was all that was needed for me to fall in love with Manipal ... the place has an intoxicating aura that leaves one with a the most amazing of hangovers. I definitely rate it over cannabis and way over that puny bottle of vodka that was supposed to be for keeps ... I decided to take the train to Bangalore and from there catch the bus to Manipal. The train was perfect and was everything a train ride should be ... the bus ride was everything a bus ride should have been but i just wished it wasn't so much that. I had one of the worst 12 hrs of my life on that bus... Falling off my seat twice and having to sit next to a stinking SOB was a little more torture than i could bear, nevertheless I got off at Udupi which is something like a 15 min ride in a rickshaw. Bumpy is an understatement but enjoyable in a weird sort of way. This may also be the reason why massages are so cheap in Manipal. The first day was a little bit of random sightseeing. The rain in the evening was a huge dampener because we were all looking forward to spending some time at the Kaapu Beach. We still managed to have fun though, getting drenched in the rain has it own joys which are unfathomable. The night was spent playing Counterstrike and drinking loads of soda. Our next two attempts to got to Kaapu were shot down and we finally gave up, everyone seemed to obsessed with this place called End Point which was nothing more than a hillock which offered the same view that I had from my room, we ended up not going and played some more counter strike. The real reason we were in Manipal was for the Mainpal Media Students Convention'08 (MMSC) which was also holding the first Blogger's meet or so we were told. The convention was fun but I had a lot more fun just doing nothing at all . In fact the next time i go there I will be doing nothing at all ... Next vacation Manipal

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