About Me

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FREEDOM is ... An open road, My rusty bike roaring to life And a tank full of fuel... Well I am a little confused and no I am not very creative. Many of the pictures you see up on the blog are mistakes.And a sincere request PLEASE DO NOT STEAL THE PHOTOGRAPHS FROM MY BLOG.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Its been more then a week since I lost my phone(.. again), amazingly the past week has been the most peaceful of my life, I do miss talking to till 2 am and snickering at the very thought of disturbing someone in the middle of the night just to find out if they were wearing pajamas or shorts but I think I've been doing better at work without that godforsaken gadget. In fact I love the quiet time I'm getting these days so much that I decided to stay without one for a little while longer. But more then all of these I think I've got time to reflect. I know, I know... Me and reflect don't go together but its true, you think I'm always that guy with the impish grin plastered on my face , well I'm not, its only when I'm bored that it comes to me.

I sometimes, more like more then often wonder if I've grown as a person, I'm not too sure of it. It has been 8 months since Karma caught up and all I can think of is getting back on a bike, I feel like a part of me is missing, that sounded cliche but dare you say I lie about it. Yesterday I spent the better part of my afternoon staring at the twisted chassis of what was once my baby. Everytime I hear the whine of a Yammy zoom past or puttering its way down the lot, I wish it was me on the bike. I wonder if my yearning to get back on it is something much deeper, a spiritual connection to say the least. Therapy for my soul. I need to get back on...

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