ROCK STEADY !!!! Almost there…
Hmmm … now I’m guessing that the most you will not relate to what I write, so a heads up, you aren’t supposed to. This is my idea of what happened and my views on what is what, so for those of you who are chronologically retarded please do not try to jog back your memory because I do not take any responsibility to any brain damage caused by reading what follows from this point onward. The reason for having a title is just for the sake of having a title and has absolutely nothing to do with what I am about to write. Now to be blatantly blunt I would not be too sure if people should not even be reading what I write its because it is blasphemous to the degree of being tragically underrated when it comes to my limited vocabulary but anyway moving on, before I bore you all to death with my constant inconsistent chatter.
This is the year when the first batch of the Associate Training Program will be passing out hopefully not on alcohol but with their Commerce degrees in hand. The concept is wonderful I think, three years you party and get drunk and then you get a degree while doing that, a dream come true for most of us. The year has been uneventful and we shall thank God for that, no unwanted pregnancies and no unnecessary bloodshed. A couple of road mishaps here and there but we all can live with that.
Now let me begin on what really happened.
The last year ended on a somewhat high note with the Annual Day at college, which surprisingly was not as lame we thought it would be. However a majority of us were disappointed with the lack of organization and the general management of the college. There was a dearth of activities to keep up the enthusiasm and college spirit. Even more unfortunate was the fact that most of people who took up the course didn’t even know the name of the college they were studying in. there was a lot of work to be done and we needed to do it as quickly and efficiently possible but thanks to the awesomely brilliant but wonderfully egoistic minds of the people we were at a standstill … Not here nor there …
A few enterprising souls took it on themselves to finish the task that should have been completed long before the course we are all part of even started. We needed to bring about an interest in the general well being of the college spirit. A revival of sorts was the called for not that it worked but it was a good start. The addition of another 90 odd students with the start of the new year was interesting to say the least. Now a new dilemma arose should we keep the fairytale alive for them or should we set their expectations right form day one. We decided to set their expectation in the right light, now this is not because we were aiming low but because we were aiming much higher.
The organization of events in college was only a partial success due to the lack of proper participation. Now coming to the lack of participation, I really don’t see how taking part in any event can be harmful to the well being of your wonderful soul. I feel that if there was better participation we could hold more events because then we would not be as pessimistic as we are about losing out on the funds needed to hold such events. I would love to see everyone participate in at least one event during the course of the academic year. The participation in such events not only boosts ones self-confidence but also allows for one to improve on ones perception of ones self.
The Fresher’s Party was a larger success then we had hoped for, a good attendance of the newbies, this by itself was a good enough reason to call it a success but the good food; good music and an overall awesome ambience made it a night to remember. I would like to hand out a special thanks to everyone who helped in organizing the event. Also, a mention to those of you who helped in selling the scarves and roses. I think you single handedly saved our very broke asses, awesome job guys. The dance floor rocked although I did wish that the DJ covered more genres of music. The food was unmistakably heavenly and left all of us drooling for more. The juniors did an awesome job with their costumes and stuck to the Retro theme, kudos to all of you.
We all seem to have been doing awesomely well in office, infact quite a few of them have managed to turn Process Developers which just shows that we outperform full timers or at least do as well as them. Lets us all continue to perform outstandingly at work.
This year was also the very first time, that our college took part in inter college events and fests and might I say a grand entry we made. The year started of with a big bang with Times Youthopia in which more then 60 colleges participated. Our college managed to get through to the finals in each and every event in which saw participation. Although there was only one event in which we managed to bag second place, I would call it an awesome success. We came from a virtually unknown college and beat many of the well-known colleges for a place in the finals. This made everyone sit up and take up notice.
The commerce fests were a cakewalk for the guys and gals from our college and we had a lot of success in the Business quiz, Elocutions, Debates, Case studies, Creativity contests and lots more. We won loads of accolades in Badruka and STORM at St. Pious and more recently we also bagged first position in the case study at Bhavans, not to mention another first position for Junkyard at Arthashastra, which was held at St.Francis.
The year is almost coming to an end and we did do a lot more then the last but I still feel we fell short by a large margin. The last chapter that is still to be written is the Farewell and lets all hope that, that is going to be the most exciting chapter of them all…
About Me

- sofullofcrap
- FREEDOM is ... An open road, My rusty bike roaring to life And a tank full of fuel... Well I am a little confused and no I am not very creative. Many of the pictures you see up on the blog are mistakes.And a sincere request PLEASE DO NOT STEAL THE PHOTOGRAPHS FROM MY BLOG.
Monday, December 31, 2007
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